7 hours ago

Episode 79: Philadelphia Trivia

National Treasure (2004)

The movie was honestly fine, but the real treasure is all the stuff we got to learn about Philadelphia because of it.

Next episode: Doug's First Movie (1999)

Discord | Bluesky

Stephen | Kat | Aurora | Ash Vir doesn't have socials, but we love him anyway.

Find out more at https://disney-minus.pinecast.co

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8 days ago

Episode 78: Cowboy Grindset

The Castaway Cowboy (1974)

Sorry about the lack of music on this one, y'all. Admittedly, I could've tried harder, but I couldn't actually find the soundtrack for this movie to pull songs from.

Anyway, did you know Mississippi technically has a wild emu population? Fucked up.

Next episode: National Treasure (2004)

Discord | Bluesky

Stephen | Kat | Aurora | Ash Vir doesn't have socials, but we love him anyway.

Find out more at https://disney-minus.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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1 year ago

Episode 69: Different Sets of Guys Doing Bits

The Princess Bride (1987)

As I'm scheduling this, I think I was technically supposed to put up the Star Wars 4 episode first, so that'll go up next. We ended up having to record this one twice because the first recording got lost. It technically would've been episode 69 if it had posted before Bedknobs and Broomsticks like it was supposed to, so I'm still numbering it that way. Also, this episode is literally 30 seconds short of being the longest. 31 seconds, if you want to get technical, because that would've put it longer that Encanto where 30 would've put it tied with Encanto.

Next episode: Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977)

Discord | Twitter

Stephen | Nero | Kat | Vir (no socials) | Aurora | Ash

Find out more at https://disney-minus.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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